Every individual’s hearing is different, that is why the hearing aid purchase process is a personalized one. No two individuals have the same level of hearing loss, and for some, it’s more a matter of comfort, while others prefer something so small that no one else knows they are wearing the hearing aid. When the time comes to choose a hearing aid, these are some things you’ll want to consider as you’re choosing one.
There are several styles of hearing aids including
- In-ear
- In canal
- Over the ear
- Completely in the canal (CIC)
- Behind the ear
It’s important that you test out various fits, sizes, and styles. Doing this will allow you to find the hearing aid which is comfortable, and also the one which is best going to improve your hearing loss. For some forms or levels of hearing loss, you might be limited in the style of hearing aid you can wear. However, your doctor will guide you through the process, and any hearing clinic, will work with you to customize the perfect hearing aid, for your specific needs.
Optional/Additional Features
You obviously want to hear things, right? Otherwise you would not be shopping for a hearing aid. But, some hearing aids are so advanced today, that they offer much more than improved hearing. Some optional features you might choose to look for when buying a hearing aid include
- Directional microphones which allow you to listen/improve hearing, based upon who’s speaking or where noise is coming from
- Noise reduction and elimination of background noise (focal hearing)
- Remote controls to increase/decrease volume
- Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and wireless connectivity
- App connectivity so you can control your hearing aid from your smartphone
- Telecoils which allow you to talk on a cell phone while eliminating friction/static or other interference
- variable programming so you can choose your settings based on your environment
- Environmental noise control (similar to variable programming, but you can adjust settings based on the environment and noise levels)
- Rechargeable batteries (bear in mind some of these cost in excess of $1000, so shop around)
- Synchronization if you wear more than one hearing aid/style, you can sync your ability to hear from both systems
And, the list goes on. Today, there are hearing aids that are smaller than a penny (much smaller in fact) and people would never know you’re wearing one. So, you want to consider size, design, and optional features, when deciding on the right model for you.
Testing (and Other important factors) before you buy
Never buy a hearing aid online before testing it. This isn’t to say don’t buy a hearing aid online (in fact you can find great discounts in doing so). But, first visit your doctor or a specialist for fitting, and to try out different models. Before you buy
- Get a checkup to test your hearing and hearing loss levels
- Ask your doctor or specialist for referrals (brands, styles, systems, etc) based upon your hearing loss levels
- Ask if there are free trials or built-in refunds if you aren’t happy with the hearing aid (especially those extremely expensive models)
- Make sure you know about warranties, coverage, battery replacement, and other costs
- Inquire about Medicaid, insurance, and other assistance in paying for hearing aids
And, make sure you consider future loss, or the possibility of increased hearing loss as you get older. You want a hearing aid that can adjust with you as you age, so that you aren’t constantly having to upgrade, and spend more money, for a new system every few years.
Shop to save
Ultimately, you are going to land upon the right hearing aid for your personal needs, comfort, and levels of hearing loss. But, you’ll still want to find a great price for the model you choose to buy. The only way to guarantee this is to shop and compare. Visit more than one audiologist, talk to different distributors and manufacturers, try out several systems, and compare online mail order systems (remember, try the system out first). From there, you’ll find it much easier to make an informed decision, and when you ultimately land upon the right hearing aid, you’ll know you’re getting the best deal, warranties, and coverage for the model you choose to invest in.