Seniors who live alone, or do not have around the clock care, can greatly benefit from wearing a medical alert system. It will alert medical responders or paramedics if you’ve fallen, need help, or are suffering from a medical emergency. However, not all of these alert systems are the same in terms of quality, features, or cost. So, before you settle on the cheapest medical alert system, consider a few of these costs associated with owning one, to help you choose the right product.

Installation costs

Although not all medical alert systems and companies require you to pay an installation fee, the ones that do require a one-time fee to set up the medical alert unit. They’ll install medical alerts, set up the panic button, sound levels, and make sure everything is working as it should, so you can use it when it’s needed. Depending on the company, the fee for the installation and setup is usually $0 to $200. Depending on the complexity of the system, and what’s required for them to install the features/devices you’ll use, the prices are going to vary.

Base System/Accessories Cost

This is the rate for the physical medical alert piece you’re going to wear. The piece you wear around your neck and push in the event of an emergency. This comes in the form of a pendant, wrist bands, necklaces, or other wearable pieces. Depending on the company, these units cost anywhere from $50 to $200. This doesn’t include any additional features you’d like to add (Bluetooth, wi-fi, connection to doctors, family, etc.) If you choose these additional options, you are going to pay additional costs or fees to set these up as well.

Monthly fee

You are paying a subscription fee for the medical alert system. Think of it like a light bill, energy bill, or your cell phone bill. To use the system and use the connection to EMS and other services, you are paying a subscription fee to the company that will monitor you, and connect you to the appropriate medical personnel, if and when you do need help. Again, every company has different features or add ons you can select. But, the base monthly fee for most medical alert systems is anywhere from $15 to $75 a month. The more features, and the more options you have for connections, the more you are going to pay each month for these services.

Features and add ons

Do you need additional support? Help with setup? Assistance in connecting you? Or, do you want to have more than one medical wearable piece? You can choose to add on features or other support options with medical alert devices and companies. Depending on the feature or additional service you choose to add on, the price can range from as little as $5 per month, onward to over $50 per month. Again, like the monthly subscription, the provider, the quality of their services, and the amount of additional help or features you choose to add, are all going to affect the monthly rate you are going to pay for these added services.

Compare and save

Just because you buy the best medical alert system doesn’t mean it is the most expensive. In fact, many companies offer discounts and different options for savings, and offer excellent quality medical alert services. So, it’s up to you to compare the different companies and understand their fees. Some companies also offer discounts if you pay for the entire year up front rather than pay month to month, so make sure you inquire. And, many companies offer bundled deals, if you choose to add on more than one optional feature with the medical alert system you choose to purchase. Only by comparing companies, and shopping around for savings, are you going to find the best deal when the time comes to purchase your medical alert system for at home use.

No matter what assistance you require, or why you choose to wear a medical alert system for at home use, you want the best. Before you invest in a system, make sure you understand the cost, service agreements, and discounts, so you can make an informed decision about a subscription service to purchase for personal use.