Having trouble hearing? Are things a little muffled? A hearing aid might be the exact solution you’re looking for. And, today, you can find hearing aids that are so tiny, nobody has to know you’re wearing them. With this being said, the cost of these devices can easily exceed $5000 to $6000 for the latest technologies. Not all hearing aids are created equally. How much do hearing aids cost? Here we’ll go through some of the basic factors which will impact the final price you’ll pay when choosing a new hearing aid.

What’s Included in the Price of Hearing Aids?

The price of your hearing aid will vary based upon the type of hearing aid chosen, the technology, the size, and its capabilities. However, the price you’ll pay for your hearing aid will usually encompass

  • The cost of the hearing exam
  • Doctor visit and consultation
  • Initial fitting
  • A follow-up visit to ensure the hearing aid is properly working

Adjustments and routine cleanings are often included in the final price of your hearing aid as well. And, most manufacturers, will also include a warranty (ranging from 3 to 5 years) with most hearing aids. So, if something goes wrong, or if there’s any damage to your hearing aid during this period, it is likely covered under the warranty that comes with the device.

What Affects Pricing?

Okay, now that you know what’s included in the pricing, what actually affects the cost of your hearing aid. Again, several variables will come into play which includes:

  1. The quality of the hearing aid
  2. The size (the smaller they are, the more they tend to cost)
  3. The ability to adjust levels/noise
  4. The manufacturer (well-known manufacturers can charge more, due to the fact that they have a great reputation and quality product lines)
  5. The battery used in the hearing aid (some batteries can easily exceed several hundreds of dollars to replace)
  6. Technology levels and features (Bluetooth compatibility, Artificial intelligence features, rechargeable batteries, app connectivity, etc.)
  7. If there are built-in tinnitus masking features

And, the list goes on! You’d be surprised to learn just how many great features are available with some of the newest hearing aids on the market today. They are truly technological masterpieces, which will really revolutionize the way you hear things, and how well you can hear in any crowded room.

But, with these great technologies and features, also comes a much higher price tag. In fact, you can expect to pay over $6,000 for some of the latest manufactured hearing aids available. And, the price of some rechargeable batteries for some of the latest models of hearing aids are in excess of $1,000 just for the battery. You can easily see just how expensive these small devices can be.

Is There Financial Assistance Available for Hearing Aids?

If you want to improve the quality of your life/living, the ability to hear things going on around you and engage in conversations is something that will greatly help impact your life. A hearing aid is the only way to help certain individuals who have a hard time hearing or suffer from mild (or severe) levels of hearing loss. But, with the high prices of these small units, how do you afford them? There are some forms of assistance available for paying for your hearing aids.

1) Insurance

If you have insurance, hearing aids are covered under some policies. Most insurance providers offer at least partial coverage, so it’s worth checking with your insurance carrier before paying the full price of your hearing aid out of pocket.

2) Mail Order Pieces

Online and mail-order hearing aids are a much cheaper alternative than custom-fit pieces. They might not have all the bells and whistles and custom features, but most of them will do the job. And, they cost a fraction of the price of the fancier models.

3) Medicaid or Medicare

If it’s medically necessary, and you’re over 65, you might receive help from Medicaid. In some cases, full credit will be paid for your hearing aid, and in other cases, you’ll receive partial credit or refund when ordering your hearing aids. There are limits as to the type of hearing aid which might be covered, however.